
The aim of this plant design project is to provide critical insights into and recommendations of the available synthetic routes to styrene along with market, feedstock, economic, and sustainability analyses of the venture. This has culminated in a preliminary overview of the plant design and operation in the area of Ordos, China, produced for our clients at Bentham Corporation.

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Appraise | Define Phase | Layout Phase | Presentation |

Bentham Coporation requires the production of 100,000 te y-1 of styrene monomer at purity of 99.7 mol%. (See Project Specification for more details)

Syteren is a monomer used in the production of polymers including polystrene, acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) and styrene-butadiene (SBR). Following fluctuations in the price of polystyrene the board would like a recommendation on which polymer should be produced from the styrene monomer.


Summary | Process Route Review | Feedstock and Market Review | Material and Energy Balances | Process Block Flow Diagram | Plant Layout |


The aim of this plant design project is to provide critical insights into and recommendations of the available synthetic routes to styrene along with market, feedstock, economic, and sustainability analyses of the venture. This has culminated in a preliminary overview of the plant design and operation in the area of Ordos, China, produced for our clients at Bentham Corporation.


See Process Route Review for more details.


See Feedstock and Market Review for details.


Table 1. Reaction extents of reactions within dehydrogenation reactor.

Reaction Reaction Extent (mol/s) Selectivy
33.239 95.514% (Styrene)
0.800 2.299% (Toluene)
0.4296 2.122% (Benzene)
0.0272 0.0785% (Heavy ends)

Table 2. Reaction extents of reactions within alkylator and transalkylator.

Reaction Reaction Extent (mol/s) Selectivy
31.865 91.1% (Ethylbenzene)
2.631 8.2% (Diethylbenzene)
0.225 0.7% (Heavy ends)

Table 3. Chemical component information. Note: 888.15K is the mean temperature of dehydrogenator.

Components Heat Capacity (kJ/kmolK) at T = 888.15K Enthalpy of formation (kJ/mol) at ambient temperature i
Ethlybenzene 297.242 29.92 1
Toluene 247.482 50.17 0.00127
Styrene 269.728 147.4 0
Benzene 200.787 82.88 0
Ethylene 89.4347 52.510 0
Methane 67.801 -74.52 0
Hydrogen 29.815 0 0
Water 39.827 -241.814 15.221

Table 4. Heat of reaction for three major reactions within dehydrogenation reactor at T = 888.15K (the mean temperature of dehydrogenator).

j=1 2.301 118.838
j=2 18.041 -43.626
j=3 -7.020 101.328





The purpose of this report is to find the optimal dimensions and the optimal operating variables of two dehydrogenation reactors. More specifically, the height and diameter, catalyst amount and characteristics, heat exchange strategy of reactors need to be determined optimally. The operating conditions include temperature and pressure as well as the steam-to-ethylbenzene ratio.


Manipulate[Module{(At1, At2, At3, Et1, Et2, Et3, kt1, kt2, kt3, k1, k2, k3, k4, A1, A2, A3, A4, E1, E2,
E3, E4, AEB, AST,AH2, ΔHaEB, ΔHaST, ΔHaH2, KEB, KST, KH2, rt1, rt2, rt3, rc1, rc2, rc3, rc4, Keq, FEB0, 
FST0,BZ0, FTO0, FH20, FCH40, FC2H40, FH2O0, FT0, PEB, PST, PBZ, PETH, PTO, PH2, PCH4, PC2H4, PH2O, PMTH,
C1EB, C1ST, C1BZ, C1ETH, C1TO, C1H2, C1MTH, C1H2O, S1ST, S1BZ, S1TO, S1H2, ΔH1, ΔH2, ΔH3, ΔH4, Cp1, Cp2,
Cp3, Cp4, Cp5, Cp6, L, Di, Ac, dp, μ, u, G, ρb, R, ϵ, ρg},

(*Model Construction of The Thermal Reactions*)
At1 = 2.2215 * 10^16; (**kmol/m3hbar**)
At2 = 2.4217 * 10^20;
At3 = 3.8224 * 10^17;
Et1 = 272.23; (**kJ/mol**)
Et2 = 352.79;
Et3 = 313.06;
R = 8.314;

kt1 = At1 * Exp[(-Et1 * 10^3)/(R * T[z])]; (**kmol/m3hbar**)
kt2 = At2 * Exp[(-Et2 * 10^3)/(R * T[z])];
kt3 = At3 * Exp[(-Et3 * 10^3)/(R * T[z])];

(*Thermal Reaction Rates of Three Reactions*)
rt1 = kt1 * (PEB - (PST * PH2)/Keq); (**kmol/m3h**)
rt2 = kt2 * PEB;
rt3 = kt3 * PEB;

(*Model Construction of The Catalytic Reactions*)
A1 = 4.594 * 10^9; (**kmol/kg-cath**)
A2 = 1.060 * 10^15;
A3 = 1.246 * 10^26;
A4 = 8.024 * 10^10;
E1 = 175.38; (**kJ/mol**)
E2 = 296.29;
E3 = 474.76;
E4 = 213.78;

k1 = A1* Exp[(-E1 * 10^3)/(R * T[z])]; (**kmol/kg-cath**)
k2 = A2* Exp[(-E2 * 10^3)/(R * T[z])];
k3 = A3* Exp[(-E3 * 10^3)/(R * T[z])];
k4 = A4* Exp[(-E4 * 10^3)/(R * T[z])];

(*Catalytic Reaction Rates of Four Reactions*)
rc1 = (k1 * KEB * (PEB - (PST*PH2)/Keq))/(1 + KEB * PEB + KH2 * PH2 + KST * PST)^2;(**kmol/kg-cath**)
rc2 = (k2 * KEB * PEB)/(1 + KEB * PEB + KH2 * PH2 + KST * PST)^2;
rc3 = (k3 * KEB * PEB * KH2 * PH2)/(1 + KEB * PEB + KH2 * PH2 + KST * PST)^2;
rc4 = (k4 * KST * PST * KH2 * PH2)/(1 + KEB * PEB + KH2 * PH2 + KST * PST)^2

(*Model Construction for The Thermodynamic Equilibriums*)
AEB = 1.014 * 10^-5; (**1/bar**)
AST = 2.678 * 10^-5;
AH2 = 4.519 * 10^-7;
ΔHaEB = -102.22; (**kJ/mol**)
ΔHaST = -104.56;
ΔHaH2 = -117.95;

KEB = AEB * Exp[(-ΔHaEB * 10^3)/(R * T[z])]; (**1/bar**)
KST = AST * Exp[(-ΔHaST * 10^3)/(R * T[z])];
KH2 = AH2 * Exp[(-ΔHaH2 * 10^3)/(R * T[z])];
Keq = Exp[-(122725.157 - 126.267 * T[z] - 0.002194 * T[z] * T[z])/(R * T[z])];(**1/bar**)

(*The Initial Molar Flowrates of Components*)
FEB0 = 49.7976 * 3600/ 1000; (**kmol/h**)
FST0 = 0.00332919 * 3.6;
FBZ0 = 1.464 * 3.6;
FTO0 = 0.0482245 * 3.6;
FH20 = 0;
FCH40 = 0;
FC2H40 = 0;
FH2O0 = 1080 * 3.6;
FT0 = FEB0 + FST0 + FBZ0 + FTO0 + FH20 + FCH40 + FC2H40 + FH2O0;

(*Partial Pressure of Components*)
PEB = PT[z] * (FEB0/FT0)(1 - (X1EB[z] - X1BZ[z] - X1TO[z]) - X1BZ[z] - X1TO[z])/(1 + FEB0/FT0 * (X1TO[z] + X1BZ[z] + X1H2[z])); 
PST = PT[z] * (FST0/FT0 + FEB0/FT0 * (X1EB[z] - X1BZ[z] - X1TO[z])/(1 + FEB0/FT0 *(X1TO[z] + X1BZ[z] + X1H2[z]))^2;
PBZ = PT[z] * (FBZ0/FT0 + FEB0/FT0 * X1BZ[z])/(1 + FEB0/FT0 * (X1TO[z] + X1BZ[z] + X1H2[z]));
PH2 = PT[z] * (FH20/FT0 + FEB0/FT0 * X1H2[z])/(1 + FEB0/FT0 * (X1TO[z] + X1BZ[z] + X1H2[z]));
PETH = PT[z] * (FC2H40/FT0 +  FEB0/ FT0 * X1BZ[z])/( 1 + FEB0/FT0 * (X1TO[z] + X1BZ[z] + X1H2[z]));
PTO = PT[z] * (FTO0/FT0 + FEB0/FT0 * X1TO[z])/(1 + FEB0/FT0 * (X1TO[z] + X1BZ[z] + X1H2[z]));
PH2O = PT[z] * (FH2O0/FT0)/(1 + FEB0/FT0 * (X1TO[z] + X1BZ[z] + X1H2[z]));
PMTH = PT[z] * (FCH40/FT0 + FEB0/FT0 * X1EB[z])/( 1 + FEB0/FT0 * (X1TO[z] + X1BZ[z] + X1H2[z]));

(*Concentration of Components*)
C1EB = PEB * 10^5 / (R * T[z]);
C1ST = PST * 10^5 /(R * T[z]);
C1BZ = PBZ * 10^5/(R * T[z]);
C1H2 = PH2 * 10^5/(R * T[z]);
C1ETH = PETH * 10^5/(R * T[z]);
C1TO = PTO * 10^5/(R * T[z]);
C1H2O = PH2O * 10^5/(R * T[z]);
C1MTH = PMTH * 10^5/(R * T[z]);

(*Selectivity of Reaction Products*)
S1ST = (X1EB[z] - X1BZ[z] - X1TO[z])/X1EB[z];
S1BZ = X1BZ[z]/X1EB[z];
S1TO = X1TO[z]/X1EB[z];
S1H2 = X1H2[z]/X1EB[z];

(*Heat of reactions*)
ΔH1 = 117690 + 41.99 * (T[z] - 298.15) + (-8.2026 * 10^-2)/2 * ((T[z])^2 - 298.152^2 +(6.499 * 10^-5/3)*((T[z])^3 - 298.153^3 
+ (-2.311 * 10^-8)/4 * ((T[z])^4 - 298.154^4); (**kJ/kmol**)

ΔH2 = 105510 + 12.986 * (T[z] - 298.15) + (-7.67 * 10^-2)/2 * ((T[z])2 - 298.152^2 + (9.592 * 10^-5)/3 * ((T[z])^3 - 298.153^3 
+ (-4.125 * 10^-8)/4 * (T[z])^4 - 298.154^4);

ΔH3 = -54680 + 10.86 * (T[z] - 298.15) + (-15.1844* 10^-2)/2 * ((T[z])^2 - 298.152^2) + (23.04 * 10^-5/3)((T[z])^3 - 298.153^3) 
+ (-9.9955 * 10^-8)/4*((T[z])^4 - 298.154^4));

ΔH4 = -172370 + (-31.13) * (T[z] - 298.15) + (-6.9818* 10^-2)/2 * ((T[z])^2 - 298.152^2 + (16.54 * 10^-5)/3*((T[z])^3 - 298.153^3) 
+ (-7.685 * 10^-8)/4 * ((T[z])^4 - 298.154^4);

(*Heat Capacities of Components*)
Cp1 = -0.43426 + 6.0671 * 10^-3 * T[z] - 3.8625 * 10^-6 * T[z] * T[z] + 9.1282 * 10^-10 * (T[z])^3; (*kJ/kgK*)
Cp2 = -0.26436 + 5.564 * 10^-3 * T[z] - 3.0018* 10^-6 * T[z] * T[z] + 5.3317 * 10^-10 * (T[z])^3;
Cp3 = -0.40599 + 6.6616 * 10^-3 * T[z] - 4.5318* 10^-6 * T[z] * T[z] + 12.255 * 10^-10 * (T[z])^3;
Cp4 = -0.27127 + 5.9142* 10^-3 * T[z] - 3.8631 * 10^-6 * T[z] * T[z] + 9.54 * 10^-10 * (T[z])^3;
Cp5 = 13.57 + 4.637 * 10^-3 * T[z] - 6.905 * 10^-6 * T[z] * T[z] + 38.23 * 10^-10 * (T[z])^3;
Cp6 = 1.7911 + 0.1069* 10^-3 * T[z] + 0.58611* 10^-6 * T[z] * T[z] - 1.998 * 10^-10 * (T[z])^3;

(*Physical properties of the catalyst*)
dp = 5.5 / 1000; (**m**)
ρb = 1422;
ϵ = 0.4312;

(*Dimensions of the reactor*)
L = 10;
Di = Dr/100;
Ac = π/4 * (Di)^2;

(*The important properties of the gas mixture*)
μ = (-10.035 + 0.25191 * T[z] - 0.000037932 * T[z] * T[z]) * 3.6 * 10^-4; (*kg/ms*)
u = 22.003/Ac;
G = 89520.109/Ac;

ρg = (10^5 * 10^-3)/(R * T[z]) * (PEB * 106.168 + PST * 104.15 + PBZ * 78.114 + PTO * 92.141 + PH2O * 18.020 + PH2 * 2.010 
+ PMTH * 16.043 + PETH * 28.054);

r101 = Quiet @ NDSolve[{X1EB'[z]  (rc1 + rc2 + rc3 + (rt1 + rt2 + rt3) * ϵ/ρb) * (Ac* ρb)/FEB0, X1BZ'[z]  (rc2 + rt2 * ϵ/ρb) 
* (Ac* ρb)/FEB0, X1TO'[z]  (rc3 + rc4 + rt3 * ϵ/ρb) * (Ac* ρb)/FEB0, X1H2'[z]  (rc1 - rc3 - 2 rc4 + (rt1 - rt3) * ϵ/ρb)* Ac 
* ρb/FEB0, PT'[z]  -(1 - ϵ)/ϵ3 *(1.28 + 458* (1 - ϵ)/(ρg * dp * u/μ) * 7.7160 * 10^-8 * u * G * FEB0/(ρb* dp * Ac) * 10-5 * Ac 
* ρb/FEB0, T'[z] == Ac* ρb/FEB0 * (1 / (106.168* FEB0 * (1 - X1EB[z]) * Cp1 + 104.15 * (FST0 + FEB0 * (X1EB[z] - X1BZ[z] - 
X1TO[z])) * Cp2 + 78.114 * (FBZ0 + FEB0 * X1BZ[z]) * Cp3 + 92.141 * (FTO0 + FEB0 * X1TO[z]) * Cp4 + 2.010 * (FH20 + FEB0 * 
X1H2[z]) * Cp5 + 18.020* FH2O0 * Cp6)) * (FEB0 * (-ΔH1 * (rc1 + rt1 * ϵ/ρb) - ΔH2 * (rc2 + rt2 * ϵ/ρb) - ΔH3 *(rc3 + rt3 * ϵ/ρb) 
- ΔH4 * rc4)), X1EB[0]  0, X1BZ[0]  0, X1TO[0]  0, X1H2[0]  0, PT[0]  1.25, T[0]  886}, {PT, T, X1EB, X1BZ, X1TO, 
X1H2, C1EB, C1ST, C1BZ, C1TO, C1H2, C1ETH, C1H2O, C1MTH}, {z, 0, 2}];

Figure1 = Plot[{C1EB /. r101, C1ST /. r101, C1BZ /. r101, C1TO /. r101, C1H2 /. r101, C1ETH /. r101, C1MTH /. r101}, {z, 0, 2}, 
PlotRange All, AxesLabel  {"Reactor height (m)", "Concentration (mol/cum)"}, PlotLegends  {"EB", "ST", "BZ", "TO", "H2",
"ETH", "MTH"}, PlotLabels  Placed[{"EB", "ST", "BZ", "TO"}, Above]]], Column[{Control[, 100, 
800, 10, Appearance  "Labeled"}]}, Left]]



This study is to predict safe separation distances via accident consequence modelling of various accidental failure scenarios for hazardous units relevant with ethylene gas dispersion, so as to modify the plant layout accordingly to guarantee safety of personnel in on-site buildings and reduce risks to acceptable level for the population outside the plant, and prevent, limit and mitigate domino effects as much as possible.


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This project is part of Advanced Design Project and is developed by an international student team. The maintenance service is assisted by Wei MEI.

This project team members are listed in alphabetical order, with affiliation, and main areas of contribution:

This project is done with great help from two Personal Tutors and Prof. Haroun Mahgerefteh:

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Advanced Design Project

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